
How Worried Should Homeowners Be About Heavy Winds on Their Roof?

New York weather has been wild, with sun then rain then wind and then back to sun again. As of this writing, it is about ...
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Get Your Renovation Work Completed in the Offseason

It may not seem like it yet, but we’re inches away from spring, and only a few short months away from summer. Spring, summer, and ...
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What Situations Is a Retrofit Window Installation the Wrong Choice?

There is more than one way to install a window. That is why it is so important to consider your options, especially with regards to ...
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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Waterfall Islands in Your Kitchen Renovation?

Adding or replacing an island in your kitchen is a great way to give your kitchen even more functional space *AND* a beautiful visual element ...
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Bocce Ball Court Installation in NYC – Is It For You?

We’re all looking for ways to make our space more interesting, especially our landscape. Even a well manicured, planned landscape can feel a bit boring, ...
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What is the Best Time of Year to Replace Your Concrete Driveway?

Christian Construction has a team of masonry specialists ready to install or replace a concrete driveway. We do this all throughout the year, and our ...
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