
10 Common Home Maintenance Services You May Be Forgetting

10 Common Home Maintenance Services You May Be Forgetting 2560 1706 Chris Q.

Your property is often an amazing investment. But unlike an apartment, there is a lot you need to remember in order to make sure that every part of your home is operating efficiently. Many of the appliances, the materials used in construction, and more, need to be inspected, cleaned, or tuned up often – sometimes…

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Risk Factors for Roof Leaks in Staten Island

Risk Factors for Roof Leaks in Staten Island 2560 1696 Chris Q.

Roof leaks are not just a minor inconvenience. Left alone, they can lead to significant structural damage if not addressed promptly. Understanding the factors that contribute to roof leaks is the first step in preventing them. While there are general causes of roof leaks, certain factors are particularly relevant to Staten Island’s climate and building…

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Preparing for Fall and Winter Weather in NYC from a Contractor’s Perspective

Preparing for Fall and Winter Weather in NYC from a Contractor’s Perspective 2560 1707 admin

It’s already been a wild, unusual weather year for us here in New York City. We’ve had unexpected pouring rain, hot sun, cold days, hot days, wind, and so much more, all rapidly changing. This has been one of the strangest weather systems we’ve had in a while, and it’s only likely to get worse.…

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Roof Slope and Leaking: Why Low-Sloped Roofs Are More Susceptible to Leaks

Roof Slope and Leaking: Why Low-Sloped Roofs Are More Susceptible to Leaks 2560 1706 admin

When it comes to residential roofing, not all designs are created equal. The slope of your roof – essentially, its angle – has a significant bearing on its performance and longevity. Of particular concern is the tendency for low-sloped roofs to be more susceptible to leaks compared to their steeper counterparts. Understanding why this is…

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The Connection Between Clogged Gutters and Roof Leaks

The Connection Between Clogged Gutters and Roof Leaks 2560 1707 admin

For most homeowners, the roof is an integral component that ensures the safety and comfort of the living space. However, the effectiveness of a roof doesn’t depend solely on the roofing materials or the craftsmanship involved in its installation. Ancillary components, such as gutters, also play a vital role. While gutters might seem like a…

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How Seasonal Weather Changes Can Exacerbate Roof Leaks

How Seasonal Weather Changes Can Exacerbate Roof Leaks 2560 1706 admin

When it comes to maintaining your home’s integrity, the roof often takes a backseat to more immediate concerns like electrical issues or plumbing malfunctions. However, your roof serves as the first line of defense against the elements, and ignoring it can have severe consequences. One concern that homeowners in Staten Island should be aware of…

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Stucco vs. Vinyl Siding: Which One is Right for My Home?

Stucco vs. Vinyl Siding: Which One is Right for My Home? 2560 1707 admin

Maintaining the exterior of a house is one of the most important things homeowners can do for the home’s continued value. Before we even get to conversations of color or different styles of architecture, we have to talk about the different materials you can choose for the siding of your home. There are several different…

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Weather Challenges in Staten Island – Impact on Roofing Longevity

Weather Challenges in Staten Island – Impact on Roofing Longevity 2560 1422 admin

Staten Island, nestled in the southernmost part of New York City, experiences a unique set of weather conditions that can significantly impact the longevity of roofing systems. From harsh winters to intense summers, this borough faces various weather challenges that require careful consideration when choosing roofing materials and maintenance practices. Below, we explore the weather-related…

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5 Most Common Roof Repairs in Staten Island

5 Most Common Roof Repairs in Staten Island 1000 667 admin

We don’t think about our roofing until something goes wrong. But the sooner we catch issues, the more likely we can extend the life of our roofs while also avoiding larger problems. Your roof will need repair – probably more often than you think. At Christian Construction, our experience with roofing means that we are…

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Types of Roof Styles

Types of Roof Styles 150 150 admin

We talk often at Christian Construction about the many different roofing materials. But what many people do not realize is that roofs come in many different styles as well. Most of these styles are created when the home is first built, and while they can be remodeled, they are rarely changed. With that in mind,…

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